Number and Operations in Base Ten (5.NBT)
Place Value System
Multiplying by 1/100, 1/10, 10, and 100 (5.NBT.1)
Identifying Decimal Place Values (5.NBT.3)
Representing Decimals in expanded form (5.NBT.3)
Representing Mixed Numbers in expanded form (5.NBT.3)
Comparing Decimals to Tenth (5.NBT.3)
Comparing Decimals to Hundredth (5.NBT.3)
Comparing Decimals to Thousandth (5.NBT.3)
Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Whole Number (5.NBT.4)
Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Tenth (5.NBT.4)
Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Hundredth (5.NBT.4)
Expressing Decimals Given Fractions (5.NF.3)
Multi-Digit Operations
Multiplying 3 Digit by 2 Digit Numbers (5.NBT.5)
Multiplying 4 Digit by 2 Digit Numbers (5.NBT.5)
Estimating Products of Multiplication
Dividing 3 Digit by 2 Digit Numbers without Remainders (5.NBT.6)
Dividing 3 Digit by 2 Digit Numbers with Remainders (5.NBT.6)
Dividing 4 Digit by 2 Digit Numbers without Remainders (5.NBT.6)
Dividing 4 Digit by 2 Digit Numbers with Remainders (5.NBT.6)
Estimating Quotients of Division
Decimal Operations to Hundreths
Adding with Decimals (5.NBT.7)
Subtracting with Decimals (5.NBT.7)
Estimating Sums and Differences with Decimals
Multiplying Decimals by a Whole Number (5.NBT.7)
Multiplying Decimals by 10's (5.NBT.7)
Multiplying Decimals by Decimals (5.NBT.7)
Dividing Decimals by a Whole Number (5.NBT.7)
Dividing Decimals by 10's (5.NBT.7)
Dividing Decimals by Decimals (5.NBT.7)
Operations and Algebraic Thinking (5.OA)
Write and Intreprest Expressions
Interpreting Expressions with Parantheses, Brackets, and Braces (5.OA.1)
Writing Equations with Parantheses, Brackets, and Braces (5.OA.2)
Analyze Patterns and Relationships
Identifying Number Patterns (5.OA.3)
Relating Two Number Patterns (5.OA.3)
Number and Operations - Fractions (5.NF)
Equivalent Fractions - Addition and Subtraction
Adding Fractions with Unike Denominators (5.NF.1)
Adding Mixed Numbers with Unike Denominators (5.NF.1)
Subtracting Fractions with Unike Denominators (5.NF.1)
Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Unike Denominators (5.NF.1)
Fraction Word Problems Involving Addition and Subtraction (5.NF.6,7)
Estimating Sums and Differences with Fractions (5.NF.2)
Multiply and Divide Fractions
Interpreting a Fraction as Division (5.NF.3)
Interpreting a Fraction as Division with Word Problems (5.NF.3)
Multiplying Fractions by a Whole Number (5.NF.4)
Multiplying Fractions by Fractions (5.NF.4)
Multiplying Mixed Numbers (5.NF.4)
Find Area of Rectangle with Fractional Side Lengths (5.NF.4)
Estimating Products of Multiplication of Mixed Numbers (5.NF.5)
Comparing Mixed Number Multiplication Products (5.NF.5)
Fraction Word Problems with Multiplication (5.NF.6)
Dividing Fractions by Whole Numbers (5.NF.7)
Dividing Whole Numbers by Fractions (5.NF.7)
Fraction Word Problems with Division (5.NF.7)
Measurement and Data (5.MD)
Convert Like Measurement Units
Converting Between Metric Units (5.MD.1)
Converting Between Customary Units (5.MD.1)
Represent and Intrepret Data
Reading and Representing Data with Fractions on a Line Plot (5.MD.2)
Solve Problems with Fraction Data on a Line Plot (5.MD.2)
Geometric Measurement
Measure Volumes by Counting Unit Cubes (5.MD.3,4)
Measuring Volume of Regular Shapes Using Models (5.MD.5)
Measuring Volume of Regular Shapes Without Models (5.MD.5)
Geometry (5.G)
Identifying Points on Coordinate Plane (5.G.1)
Represent Problems on Coordinate Plane (5.G.2)
Attributes of Two Dimensional Figures (5.G.3)
Hierarchy of Two-Dimensional Figures (5.G.4)